Mirror: Let’s talk about Per Capita

The following are a manual archive of tweets by Bastard The Eloquent (@BastardEloquent) about Per Capita and Emma Dawson in particular. I will keep commentary to the minimum as the thread largely speaks for itself, however with Twitter becoming increasingly hostile and unstable, I will attempt to archive it.

Let’s talk about Per Capita and Emma Dawson, shall we? https://web.archive.org/web/20210407005752/https://twitter.com/DavidSligar/status/1379599159649562630

2:29 AM · Jan 22, 2023

It’s odd how Emma’s tweet on 03/04/2021 contradicts her tweet on 22/02/2021. How can she make a claim that she’s never said lifting people out of poverty would mean they won’t work, when less than 2 months prior to that claim, she said just that?

2:29 AM · Jan 22, 2023

It’s quite obvious that despite Per Capita’s professional, glossy appearance, much of the business (including managing the twitter account and handling the complaints emails) is run by Emma herself, which makes attempting to lodge a complaint somewhat difficult.

2:29 AM · Jan 22, 2023

To unravel this gordian knot we need to head back to 2021 (for now). Avery, an unemployed welfare activist, made the grand mistake of telling Emma to stop advocating for poverty.

2:29 AM · Jan 22, 2023

What was Emma’s response? Abusive stereotyping of welfare recipients as “cosplay socialists”, “bong chuggers”, and “bourgeois dilettantes”. This is the “sass” the official percapita twitter account liked the comment about, btw.

2:29 AM · Jan 22, 2023

Recall how Emma said nothing she had ever written or claimed was predicated on the idea that lifting people out of poverty means they won’t work?

2:29 AM · Jan 22, 2023

Something that Emma is extremely fond of is threatening lawsuits – which, as we all know, is truly a sign of a proper progressive working-class individual. https://onlythesangfroid.wordpress.com/2022/12/10/yeah-i-want-the-most-but-ill-take-the-least-gendered-analyses-of-political-culture-are-necessary-but-incomplete-a-response-to-jennaprice/ [archive link]

2:29 AM · Jan 22, 2023

The odd thing about constantly threatening defamation lawsuits is that Emma has said and done so many things that she would not want dug up from her deleted tweets and removed likes and replayed live. For example, she’s very fond of racist, abusive, and transphobic tweets.

2:29 AM · Jan 22, 2023

For completeness, here’s Avery’s documentation of the full thread – unfortunately, Emma is fond of locking her account and deleting incriminating tweets often, so we have to rely on screenshots and the web archive.

I’m gonna put the whole conversation between me and Emma here (as much as I can find), maybe talk can help me find the “abuse” that I threw at her.

11:33 AM · Apr 5, 2021
2:29 AM · Jan 22, 2023

Emma will hunt you down on Linkedin if you disagree with her on Twitter. (Second/third screenshot redacted to hide people’s identity)

2:29 AM · Jan 22, 2023
2:29 AM · Jan 22, 2023
2:29 AM · Jan 22, 2023
2:29 AM · Jan 22, 2023
2:29 AM · Jan 22, 2023

Apparently, Avery “trolled” Emma to the point of hospitalisation in 2021. Apparently. So you’d expect she’d be sympathetic and not mock someone who she trolled into hospitalisation herself?

2:29 AM · Jan 22, 2023

Huh, guess not.

2:29 AM · Jan 22, 2023

Why the abuse from Emma? Shane pointed out Emma liked a transphobic tweet.

2:29 AM · Jan 22, 2023

This is just the very tip, the merest protruding point of the giant iceberg of sneering DARVO tactics and abuser behaviour that is Emma Dawson. There’s a lot more to come, like claiming oppressed Person of Color (POC) status for having celtic heritage.

Hey Emma, how’s that DARVO going? You’re allowed to sneer, abuse, punch down, insult, call the hounds, release info about people’s job applications to percapita – even use your disabled husband as a reason why you can abuse disabled people – but when they bite back? DARVO time.

Question: How do you lodge a complaint about Emma if she’s controls all channels of communication? If she’s the public representative of Per Capita, then that means the company 100% backs her actions which include releasing private info, engaging in targeted harassment & abuse.

I would be completely remiss if I didn’t also include @DingoNews1‘ article on Emma here:

[archive link]

Part 2:

[archive link]

and Part 3:

[archive link]

Tagging you here so I don’t get hammered by her vile troll army – this thread’s a surface-level dive into the context behind why Emma hates the unemployed so very much @CottommyKingWiz

Emma once again marshalling her vicious army of trolls to abuse those she deems as “AUWU” and Nareen calls “Poveratti”. Imagine coming up with words to ‘other’ groups of people so that you can stir up rabid hatred of them?

Speaking of troll army, good to see racist Vincest Kelvan (def his real name, for suresies) pop back up.

Pointing out Emma engaging in targeted harassment of someone with no affiliation to the AUWU other than the view “we shouldn’t treat welfare recipients like dirt”? Can’t have that!

Racism is also okay as long as it’s Emma doing it, and asking how they’re connected to her obsession is misogyny. Any other catchphrases you want to completely obliterate in your service to the right-wing conservatives?

Okay, so Emma’s now engaging in targeted harassment – or rather I should say, continuing to engage in targeted harassment, tagging accounts for her army of bootlickers to abuse.

But now we get into the litigious stuff. Emma Dawson, Executive Director of Per Capita, openly stating it’s fine to repeatedly misgender a trans woman, with her claim being they threatened her daughter with sexual assault, and is blaming Phoebe for being trans and existing.

So you’ve decided Emma that you’re no longer playing nice. Were you playing nice when you claimed someone was faux poor because they have teeth? It’s amazing how your responses bear no relation to what George tweets – trying to write your own narrative again.

I see Emma’s now reached the “I’m allowed to call someone a n****r if I dislike them” stage. How many times over the years have oppressed people heard that “oh no not you, I meant the *bad* ones”? Talk about privilege.

Exhibit A:


Exhibit B:


Emma sure seems like she’s stressed here, doesn’t she. Almost like the narrative she’s trying to build is bullshit, as always.

Goodbye again Emma, it would be best for you to focus on what’s important instead of trying to link every human under the sun to the AUWU and engaging in targeted harassment and posting defamatory content against unemployed people.

Doing some digging due to some other people’s claims – the actual root cause that led to Emma posting litigious content to her tens of thousands of followers is because she was unhappy Jeremy was calling ALP neoliberal elites.

And yep, digging even FURTHER! proves it. So the AUWU were a useful tool until they started pointing out ALP’s inadequacies, then they became the sworn enemy of the Labor Think Tank.

Emma’s deactivated (again) but prior to doing so, she had a bit of a fit over people being against JK Rowling’s antisemitic and TERF propaganda.

No matter what Nareen et al like to claim – there’s the reason Emma deactivated. Over a TERF, once again.

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