Post-install Linux quality-of-life tips

So you installed Debian for your old computer to make it a Plex server or chucked Fedora KDE spin onto your old laptop to test Linux out and you want to actually use it, here’s a few bits and bobs from me, probably for me too so I don’t forget.

Install the full featured ffmpeg

Often the ffmpeg package that comes with your install is not the full featured version, which can make your media experience frustrating – with frequent crashes and garbled videos. One of the first things I like to do is fix this little issue.

On Fedora, first we need to enable the RPM fusion repositories, use these commands:

sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

Then, you can simply replace the version installed with this command:

sudo dnf install ffmpeg --allowerasing

This will replace your ffmpeg install with the full featured version, and now you’re practically set! Install VLC or stick with the default media player of your distro.

For Debian, you apparently don’t need to worry about this issue at all!

Set up Flathub and Snaps

This one’s very easy, Snaps can be turned on in KDE Discover on Fedora with a single button press, flathub needs a little more work, but is still very easy.


The up-to-date instructions are here.

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub


The up-to-date instructions are here.

Debian has to install flatpak functionality first, start with:

sudo apt install flatpak

Then install the plugin for your display environment for KDE or GNOME.

GNOME Software

sudo apt install gnome-software-plugin-flatpak

KDE Discover

sudo apt install plasma-discover-backend-flatpak

And then add the flathub repository, restart, and you’re done!

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub



For a variety of reasons, Discord just sucks on Linux, it doesn’t work with Wayland, which most distros are moving to and is generally a huge pain in the ass. Recommendation here is to install Vesktop, from the Vencord folks. Very easy, just grab the package from the releases page that suits your distro, RPM for Fedora and Deb for Debian.

There is a flatpak available as well, however it lags a day or so behind the github and I have an annoying KDE bug where I need to close and reopen the window for it to show.


So your old workhorse could play a few games but wasn’t a gaming system, doesn’t mean you can’t give it a go, Proton has been great at giving new life to old games that don’t even run on Windows anymore.

For Steam, you can install the Flatpak at the risk of an unstable game bringing down the entire application, which can be frustrating. Also frustrating is just installing all Steam packages and wondering why it’s taking up so much space! So in my advice – skip the flatpaks here, install Steam au natural!

Fedora has some third party repositories available, Steam and Chrome being notable, as well as the non-free nvidia drivers, these can be turned on and installed through Discover or the Software Centre.

However, if you’d like to do it in the terminal, since it’s Linux!

Enable the RPM Fusion repository, if you haven’t already for the ffmpeg install above.

sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

Then install Steam

sudo dnf install steam

Debian seems to just have a steam package in its default repos, so you may simply choose to install through apt.

sudo apt install steam

There seems to be more complex ways to install it, but why bother!

Steam 2: Steam Harder

So you’ve tried Proton and you’re wondering, what’s next?!

Nothing’s next, you literally have a functioning Linux gaming set up!

Still, there’s something else cool you can do.

Like install third party launchers, such as whatever EA’s calling Origin nowadays, or the launcher!

However, I will defer to an existing guide for this one.

Using this I have successfully been playing The Sims 2 Ultimate Edition in glorious HD (with a few manual config edits).

Rousing dinnertime (!!!) conversation for the older Goodies

Once you’ve set up NonSteamLaunchers, you may consider putting them in their own category, especially if you still have a Windows computer for gaming, as these entries may be annoying.

NonSteamLaunchers cordoned off from the regular Steam games.

Youtube/web video ripping

This is an easy one, just run this in terminal

wget -O ~/.local/bin/yt-dlp
chmod a+rx ~/.local/bin/yt-dlp  # Make executable

Now you can rip with the yt-dlp command and all these cool modifiers which I absolutely cannot go into detail on in this article.

Keep it up to date with yt-dlp -U if you start having issues.

That’s it so far, until I can remember something else to put here!

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